Friday 6 January 2012

fIRSt loVE....firST cruSH...

asslamualaikum.... nk cter psl first love...bkn first love sye tp citer thai nie......
jap3,,,ni poster dye....

such a cute i right

the main cast of this movie is MArio MaUrer....he is a very handsome man...omo...i'm melt..

mario maurer a.k.a pshone.

while the heroine is PImchanok LuEvvevisadpaibul,,,,she is a very beautiful actress..and i think she is prettier than g-na....

gorgeos right..

the synopsis...

Nam lives with her sister and mother. She is Shone's junior and secretly loves him. Nam and her friends help her confess her love with the help of the book '9 recipes of love'. Meanwhile teacher Inn and teacher Orn are constantly competing with each other for the sport teacher. Nam plays snow white in the school drama, snow white. Shone's childhood friend Top joins the school. He has an instant liking for her.Some days later Top confesses his love to Nam. She is shocked and does not answer. Next morning Top asks her to go to the football match to see Shone Play. She agrees to that idea. On an outing Shone finally confesses indirectly that he loves her , but is interrupted by Top. At the birthday night party of Ake ,Top and Shone share their story and say that they promise never to fall in love with the same girl. During a dance Top kisses Nam's cheek. That night Nam breaks up with him. Three years has passed by since the beginning of her story. Nam secures the first position in her exam. She would leave for USA to be with her dad. She finally confess to Shone. But is heart broken when she sees that Pin and Shone are together. That night Shone leaves his diary in front of her house. That diary contained all of Nam's photos. He always loved her but their time never matched. Shone leaves for bangkok.
Nine years later, Nam is a successful costume designer and Shone has changed his profession to be a pro-photographer. In a reality show Nam and Shone are reunited.

for me the best scene in this movie was when NAM confess to Shone......she was crying while she confess her feeling and know what...i'm also crying...don;t know tears heart...pain....when i told my sis that i'm sister jusdt laughed and said...'wah...gler emo..mcmlah sedih sangat..'hahahaa.....don't know why.....i felt sad....oklah...let's stop here.....:)...

my tears burst  while watching this scene.....when NAM confess her feeling....although pshone love nam very much but he lied and said that he has a bestfriend)....and he reject nam...such a sad scene 

at the end of this movie.........finally...

p/s:first love is the best thailand movie.....
      admire can be our inspiration to become success in our NAm.....
      the most important is love our GOD......:)smile


new yeAR....

assalamualaikum.......xtaulah ade yg jwb ke x...
maybe nie lwat sgt kot nk ucap happy new year....
tp must go on.....

smpena taon baru nie...tanamkanlah azam yg elok-elok bkn yg bruk2......
tuk yg students mcm sye ni tanamlah azam agar kte lebih rajin dan kuat berusahe di taon bru nie....krgkan bermukabuku ke bertweetjer ke....bak kte cikgu addmath sye....FACEBOOK MAKSIAT....adoi tetap bkk jgk...hehehehee....ok..bagi yg nk ambek pekse UPSR taon nie mcm my sis leklok...UPSR kacang jer......2 yg menentukan hala tuju kte nk msk skolah elok2 ke or kurang...buat adek2 yg nk duduki UPSR...akak doakan agar kamoo dpt buat yg terbaek....n bagi yg nk ambek PMR 2 study elok2...bykkan solat hajat...hahahaha....PMR agak susahlah....n for those yg ambek SPM...good luck......

oklah...azam sye tuk taon bru nie.....rse mcm nk berubahlah...lau boleh nk maken rajin...mkin bijak..makin kuat agame..n nk belajar msk....hehehee...penting 2..nk kawen 6ti....n rse mcmnk sgt tinggalkan
rse mcmnk ganti dgn JUBAH,BAJU KURUNG N TUDUNG LABUH.....ble lah nk berlaku..berikanlah aku hidayah....untuk berubah ke arah kebaikan..dlu tyme darjah 6 taon mom antar msuk skolah pondok for 1 bru 2 weeks duk dah mengamok nk balek..:)..kat si2 mmg origanal pye jubah..tudung labuh n also....PURDAH....rse tenang pkai mcm 2 tp mcm xde kekuatan nk trus pkai mcm 2...hopefully...hidayah akn dtg untuk sye tuk berpakaian mcm 2.....:)...

smile..happy new year....

  jyj say happy new year...